1.Indiparambil, J.J. (2020). Von der individuellen Privatsphäre: in ein soziales Pusslespiel verwandeln (German).Beau Bassin, Mauritius: Akademiker Verlag.
2.Indiparambil, J.J. (2020). Dallaprivacy individuale all’enigma sociale: Un’Esplorazione Etica dellaSorveglianza Tecnolica nei Luoghi di Lavoro Organizzativi (Italian). BeauBassin, Mauritius: Edizioni Accademiche Italiane.
3.Indiparambil, J.J. (2020). De la vie privée individualle à l’énigme sociale: une exporation éthique de la surveillance technologique en milieu de travail organisationnel (French). Beau Bassin, Mauritius: Éditions universitaires européennes.
4.Indiparambil, J.J. (2020). De la privacidad individual al enigma social: Una exploración ética de la vigilancia tecnológica en el lugar de trabajo de la organización (Spanish). Mauritius: Editorial Academica Espasola.
5.Indiparambil, J.J. (2019). From Individual Privacy to Social Conundrum: An Ethical Exploration of the Technological Surveillance in the Organizational Workplace. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
6.Indiparambil, J.J. (2018). Electronic Surveillance and Privacy in the Workplace: A Theological-Ethical Response. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
1.Indiparambil J.J. (2021). “Work (Cyber) Bullying, Power Imbalances and Victimization: A Review on Panoptic Metaphor and Employee Surveillance in Indian Workplaces.” Pearson Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 6(14): 140-156.
2.Indiparambil J.J. (2021). “Workplace Bullying in Higher Educational Institutions: A Formulative Review.” Global Journal of Research in Business Management 1(2): 16-24.
3.Indiparambil J.J. (2021). “Sin as the Disruptor of Relationships: A Critical Expedition with Annelies Van Heijst.” The American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research 4(3): 383-388.
4.Indiparambil J.J. (2021). “Interstate Labourers in Kerala: Socio-Economic Linkages in Idukki District.” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 9(6): 127-136.
5.Indiparambil J.J. (2021). “Despair is Inevitable`: A Critical Review on The Concept of Injustice by Daniel Dorling.” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 9(3): 5522-5529.
6.Indiparambil J.J. (2020). “Labourer Valued Management: A Personalist Review of a Harmonizing Managerial Rationality for 21st Century Workplace.” Omega: The Indian Journal of Science and Religion, 19(2):39-67.
7.Indiparambil J.J. (2020). “A Comparative Analysis of EU’s GDPR and Indian PDPB towards Data Privacy of Employees.” International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 7(4): 1470-1481.
8.Indiparambil J.J. (2020). “Indian (Contextual) Reading of the Bible: An Alternative Exegetical Model for India.” International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 4(4): 115-127.
9.Indiparambil J.J. (2020). “A Synthesis of Christian Ethical Perspectives on Family: Critical and Pastoral Appraisals.” Journal of Religion and Theology, 4(1): 28-32.
10.Indiparambil J.J. (2020). “Religious Experience and Benevolent Neutrality: A Critical and Pastoral Reading on Psychology of Religion.” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 7(1), 448-457.
11.Indiparambil, J.J. (2019). Privacy and Beyond: Socio-Ethical Concerns of ‘On-the-Job’ Surveillance. Asian Journal of Business Ethics, 8: 73-105.
12.Indiparambil, J.J. (2019). Strategic to Sustainable Human Resource Management: Shifting Paradigms of Personal Managerial Trends. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 8(3): 65-70.
13.Indiparambil, J.J. (2019). Review of Pros-Cons Polemics of Workplace Surveillance: Survey Comparison and Analysis. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 8(2): 17277-17283.
14.Indiparambil, J.J. (2019). Labour (Employment) Trends and Challenges in Globalized IT-India. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(1): 510-526.
15.Indiparambil, J.J. (2018). Does Surveillance Intersect with Religious Freedom? The Dialectics of Religious Tolerance and (Re)Proselytism in India Today. Surveillance & Society, 16(4): 432-445.
16.Indiparambil, J.J. (2018). Towards a Digital “Calling”: A Pastoral Reconfiguring of Electronic Gadgets and Social Media Revolution in India. Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture, 11(1): 34-65.
17.Indiparambil, J.J. (2018). Indian Economic Sectors and New Working Class: A Socio-Cultural Review. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 3(4): 386-392.
18.Indiparambil, J.J. (2017). An Empirical Study on the Detrimental Effects of Employee Surveillance in India. International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management, 7(12): 48-51.
19.Indiparambil, J.J. (2017). Electronic Surveillance and the Forgotten Impacts on Organizational Employees in India: A Qualitative and Ethical Review. Global Journal of Contemporary Research in Accounting, Auditing and Business Ethics, 3(1): 543-579.
Book Chapters
1.Indiparambil, J.J. (2021). “A Qualitative Study on Migrant Labourers in Idukki District, Kerala.” In Selected Topics in Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 4, edited by Alina Georgeta Mag, 94-112. West Bengal, India: Book Publisher International.
2.Indiparambil, J.J. (2019). “Holistic Managerial Strategy: Hindu Religious-Ethical Roots to New Workforce Management.” In Logic and Love: Reflecting on Professor John Vattanky’s Contribution to Indian Philosophy and Spirituality, eds. Thomas Karimundackal and Kuruvila Pandikattu, 233-255. Pune: JDV & CWI
Conference Proceedings
1.Indiparambil, J.J. (2022). Implications of Hindu Moral Strands in Sustainable Business Management. In Proceedings of the International Social Sciences Congress in the Age of Digital Transformation (pp. 517-520. Halic University, Istanbul, T?rkiye, November 11-12, 2022.
2.Indiparambil, J.J. (2021). School Surveillance and Moral Education: An Ethical Imprints. In Proceedings of the World Children Conference-II (pp. 588-594). Nicosia / Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, ?zay G?nsel Children University, 21-23 May, 2021.
3.Indiparambil, J.J. (2018). Digitalized Caste System through Power Distance and Employee Sorting: A Socio-Ethical Revisiting of E-Surveillance in the Workplace. In Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Governance, E-Business and E-Management (pp. 1-30). New York - USA: Greater Vision Conferences & Seminars.
4.Indiparambil, J.J. (2015). Deconstruction of Power: An Ethical Response to Organizational Surveillance. In The European Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2015, Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 75-87). Brighton, UK: The International Academic Forum (iafor).