IQAC Audit Reports

Green Audit

The concept of “Green Auditing” is also known as the “Environmental Auditing”. Green Audit can be defined as systematic identification, quantification, recording, reporting and analysis of components of environmental diversity. The ‘Green Audit’ aims to analyse environmental practices within and outside the college campus, which will have an impact on the eco-friendly ambience. It was initiated with the motive of inspecting the work conducted within the organizations whose exercises can cause risk to the health of inhabitants and the environment. This audit examines several aspects of institutional activities. The green audit include: water audit, waste disposal audit, energy audit, and health and environmental quality audit.

Sanjo College is committed towards gaining green and has received District Green Champion Award for Idukki from Mahatma Gandhi National Council for Rural Education (MGNCRE), Ministry of Education, Government of India, in 2021.

Objectives of Green Audit

  • To ensure the best environmental sustainability practices.
  • To lower the health risks and dangers to people on the learning site.
  • To assist the institution to adhere the norms and standards of environmental management system.
  • To enable institutions to identify cost-effective waste management techniques.
  • To create and promote a sustainable, upgraded learning environment.
  • To contribute to the trustworthy branding of the institution by promoting sustainability.
  • To suggest the best protocols for adding to sustainable development.

Green Audit includes:

  • Water Audit: Evaluate the facilities of raw water intake and determine the facilities for water treatment.
  • Waste Disposal Audit: Review of waste clearance measures associated to hazardous wastes and recycling.
  • Energy Audit: Energy conservation, reduced energy consumption and pollution.
  • Environmental Quality Audit: Analyses the air quality, noise pollution, programmes for plantation.
  • Health Audit: Analyses the occupational diseases and safety measures taken within the college.
  • Renewable Energy: Replenishing the resources such as rain, sunlight, wind, tides, etc.
  • Carbon Accounting: Measuring the bulk of carbon dioxide equivalents exhaled by the institution, if any.

These audits aid in avoiding compliance difficulties. They also advise the reduction of the environmental effects of an organization or institution to support sustainability.

Green Audit Report 2022-23

Gender Audit

The principle of gender equality is enshrined in Indian constitution in preamble, fundamental rights, fundamental duties and directive principles. Gender equality is the state of equal access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviours, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender. The UNICEF (2017) says gender equality “means that women and men, and girls and boys, enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities and protections. It does not require that girls and boys, or women and men, be the same, or that they be treated exactly alike.” Gender equality, equality between men, women and transgender does not mean that they have to become the same, but that their rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they were born male or female. Gender equity means fairness of treatment to all genders according to their respective needs.

A Gender Audit is an assessment process by which the gender equality state-of-art at an organization is analysed and the main gender biases are identified. Broadly, the concept of gender audit is defined as a tool to assess and check the institutionalisation of gender equality into organisations, including in their policies, programmes, projects and/or provision of services, structures, proceedings and budgets.

Objectives of Gender Audit

  • To find out the areas where gender inequality or/and gender balance exists and the factors behind the gender inequality or/and gender balance.
  • To identify the probable reason for gender inequality and to take effective measures for the safety and security of all genders.
  • To advise ways to bridge the gender gap, if perceives any and suggest measures.
  • To establish good gender balance in decision-making processes in all areas of the college activities.
  • To Foster gender equality in all aspects of college community.
  • To see the work and capacity for prevention of sexual harassment at the college.
  • To ensure an accessible, active, unbiased and confidential Grievance Redressal Cell
  • To develop and enhance the self-confidence and self-esteem of girl students, women faculty and staff in the college.
  • To organize overall personality development programs that will develop confidence in the members of the institution.

Gender Audit Report 2019-2023